
Bricks can be used for a variety of projects, both inside and outside the home. But sometimes you may need to cut a brick, whether it’s to fit a specific space or to create a new shape. Thankfully, this is a task that can easily be accomplished with the help of a circular saw. In this article, we will show you how to cut bricks with a circular saw safely and efficiently. Let’s get started!


Things you will need

-A circular saw with a masonry blade

-A cold chisel and hammer or a brick set

-Safety gear including gloves, safety glasses and a dust mask

-A pencil

-A tape measure

-A level


-A wheelbarrow or other means of moving the bricks

-A soft brush

-A stiff bristled brush

-A putty knife

-Mortar mix

-A trowel



How to cut bricks with a circular saw?

bricks are commonly used in construction and are available in a variety of sizes. If you need to cut bricks for your next project, you can do so with a circular saw.

When cutting bricks with a circular saw, you will need to use a blade that is specifically designed for brick. These blades have teeth that are carbide-tipped and designed to cut through bricks quickly and easily.

You will also need to use a guide when cutting bricks with a circular saw. A guide will help to ensure that your cuts are straight and accurate.

To begin, you will need to mark the bricks that you need to cut. Once the bricks are marked, you can set up your circular saw with the blade and guide.

When cutting, you will need to apply gentle, even pressure to the saw. Do not force the saw through the bricks as this can cause the blade to break.

Once you have cut through the bricks, you can then remove the blade and guide from the saw. You can then proceed to clean up any debris that was created during the cutting process.


for Cutting Bricks with a Circular Saw

-Mark the bricks that you need to cut before beginning.

-Use a guide when cutting bricks with a circular saw.

-Use a carbide-tipped blade designed for cutting bricks.

-Apply gentle, even pressure when cutting.

-Remove the blade

A step-by-step guide to cutting bricks with a circular saw

  1. Mark the bricks that you need to cut with a pencil.
  2. Set up your circular saw with a carbide-tipped blade designed for cutting bricks.
  3. Attach a guide to the saw if desired.
  4. Begin cutting the bricks, applying gentle, even pressure.
  5. Finish cutting and remove the blade and guide from the saw.
  6. Clear away any debris created during the cutting process.


 Wear safety glasses when cutting bricks with a circular saw.

-Be sure to unplug the saw before changing the blade or guide.

-Do not force the saw through the bricks, as this can damage the blade.

-Be sure to clean up any debris after cutting.


How do I cut bricks with a circular saw?

It’s easy to cut bricks with a circular saw – just use a diamond blade and score along the line you want to cut. Then, simply snap the brick along the score line.

Can I use a regular blade to cut bricks?

No, you should not use a  regular blade to cut bricks. Doing so could damage the blade and/or the saw.

Is it dangerous to cut bricks with a circular saw?

Yes, it is dangerous to cut bricks with a circular saw. Always wear safety goggles and gloves when using power tools.



If you’re are planning on doing any type of masonry work, it’s important to know how to cut bricks with a circular saw. While it may seem like a daunting task, it’s actually quite easy to do with the right tools and a little bit of practice. With this guide, you’ll be able to quickly

and easily cut bricks to the size and shape you need.

Now that you know how to cut bricks with a circular saw, you can get  started on your next masonry project. Just remember to take your time, use the right tools, and follow all safety precautions. With a little bit of practice, you’ll be a pro in no time!

Now that you know how to cut bricks with a circular saw, you can put this knowledge to good use. If you have any questions or comments, please feel free to leave them below. We would love to hear from you.

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