How to Sharpen a Miter Saw Blade (Step-by-Step Guide)

If you use a miter saw, you probably didn’t even know that a miter saw blade needed to be sharpened until it started making funny noises and wouldn’t cut straight anymore.

In this post, I’ll walk you through how to sharpen a miter saw blade using a simple honing guide. Let’s get started!

What Tools are Required to Sharpen a Miter Saw Blade?

The only tool required to sharpen a miter saw blade is a honing guide. A honing guide is a device that helps to keep the blade at a consistent angle while you are pointing it.

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The only tool required to sharpen a miter saw blade is a honing guide. A honing guide is a device that helps to keep the blade at a consistent angle while you are pointing it.

You can find honing guides at most hardware stores or online retailers. You may also want to consider getting a second blade to use while the first one is being sharpened. That’s optional!

How to Sharpen a Miter Saw Blade – Easy Steps

Step 1: Remove the Blade

The first step is to remove the blade from your miter saw. You’ll need a wrench to do this. It’s impossible to sharpen the blade while it’s still on the saw.

Step 2: Inspect the Blade

Now that the blade is off take a close look at it. You’re looking for any nicks or damage to the cutting edge. If you see any, you’ll need to use a file to remove them.

Step 3: Set Up the Honing Guide

Now it’s time to set up your honing guide. This simple jig holds the blade at a consistent angle while you’re sharpening it.

Step 4: Use a Sharpening Stone

Now it’s time to use a sharpening stone. There are many different types of sharpening stones, but you’ll need a medium-grit oilstone for this project.

Start by lubricating the stone with oil. Then, holding the blade at the correct angle, start moving it back and forth across the stone. Apply moderate pressure as you do this.

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You’ll need to make sure that you sharpen the entire length of the blade. Don’t skip any spots!

Step 5: Check Your Progress

After a few strokes on the sharpening stone, checking your progress is good. The best way to do this is to try cutting a piece of wood.

If the blade is still not cutting correctly, you’ll need to do more work with the sharpening stone.

Step 6: Repeat as Necessary

Once you’re satisfied with the sharpness of the blade, you can reattach it to the miter saw. Please test it out on wood to ensure that it’s cutting correctly.

If necessary, you can repeat the sharpening process until the blade works appropriately.

Safety Precautions

When sharpening a miter saw blade, it’s essential to take safety precautions. Here are a few things to keep in mind:

  • Make sure that the blade is removed from the saw before you start sharpening it
  • Inspect the blade for any nicks or damage before sharpening it
  • Use a sharpening stone to sharpen the blade, applying moderate pressure
  • Check your progress often to make sure that you’re sharpening the entire length of the blade
  • Once the blade is sharp, reattach it to the saw and test it out on a piece of wood
  • If necessary, repeat the sharpening process until the blade is working properly.


That was it, now you know how to sharpen a miter saw blade quickly and easily. So, don’t wait until your blade is damaged to sharpen it, give it a regular tune-up to keep it in top condition. A sharp blade is a safe blade, so regularly sharpen your miter saw blade.

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